Recommendation: 17

Recommendation: 17Adopt common enabling tools and services to
support efficiency, mobility, and collaboration
Overall status: Underway
Thodey guidanceStatusDelivery on Thodey
Agency heads to provide common enabling tools for APS employees and use common or interoperable enabling services.UnderwayThe DTA is developing a refreshed platform to allow agencies to better navigate and apply the Australian Government Architecture to digital investments (available in public beta) and help develop scalable, secure and resilient digital capabilities.
Transformation leader and Finance to lead introduction of common enabling tools and services, with investment priorities approved by Secretaries Board in accordance with government-agreed criteria.UnderwayFinance has developed common enabling tools and technologies including the Parliamentary Document Management System, a bespoke platform to improve parliamentary workflow between agencies and ministerial offices, and GovTEAMS, a shared collaboration solution for Commonwealth government agencies.