APS Reform Stage 2 integrity initiatives public consultation

Strengthening integrity in the Australian Public Service.

The Australian Public Service Commission invited community feedback on initiatives in stage 2 of the APS Reform agenda that seek to bolster integrity.

Improving integrity is key to the Australian Government’s reform agenda for strengthening the public service. It is important the APS uphold a high standard of performance and behaviour to maintain public trust and confidence in its ability to serve the community.

We asked for feedback on:

  • Introducing own motion powers for the Australia Public Service Commissioner to initiate reviews and investigate alleged Code of Conduct breaches by current and former APS employees.
  • Extending the APS Values, which set out the parliament’s expected standards of behaviour and performance of public servants, to other government bodies covered by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
  • Improving how post-employment conflicts of interest are managed, particularly for Heads of Agencies and other Senior Executive Service staff.
  • Developing an APS integrity data dashboard to map pressures and assess integrity maturity levels.
  • Strengthening the transparency of customer feedback on Australian public services.

Submissions closed Wednesday 6 November 2024.

The issues paper provides further information.

If you have any questions please contact us at: APSreformpolicy@apsc.gov.au

How your response will be used:

For those of you who have provided feedback, thank you for taking the time to prepare a submission to the APS Reform public consultation process. We appreciate your interest and engagement.

The APSC is currently analysing all submissions to help with our ongoing scoping and design work for these initiatives.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your submission further, please feel free to contact us at: apsreformpolicy@apsc.gov.au


Issues Paper - Stage 2 APS Reform integrity initiatives (PDF 553.08 KB)