Appendix B: APS Reform Performance Framework


Four Pillars
The APS embodies integrity in everything it doesThe APS puts people and business at the centre of policy and servicesThe APS is a model employerThe APS has the capability to do its job well
Eight Outcomes
(1) Public service employees act with and champion integrity(2) Public service employees are stewards of the public service(3) The APS delivers human and user-centred policy and service excellence(4) The APS has effective relationships and partnerships with First Nations peoples(5) The APS' employee value proposition is attractive(6) The APS sets the standard for equity, inclusion and diversity(7) The APS sets the standard for First Nations employment and cultural competency(8) The APS continuously improves its capabilities
Performance indicators
The APS has improvements towards a strengthened pro-integrity cultureStewardship is defined and promoted and easily accessible for all APS employeesIncrease in quality of partnership, engagement and relationship managementIncreased partnership with First Nations communities and organisationsThe APS’s employee value proposition attracts and retains the right talentThe APS has a continued decrease in the gender pay gapFirst Nations representation and inclusion is increased in the APSThe APS is effectively addressing current and emerging capability needs
Decrease in unacceptable behaviours in the APSAPS work practices embody and underpin stewardshipThe Public Service has increased transparency in how public engagement informs decision-making for policy and services Increase in employees deriving satisfaction from non-monetary conditionsA decreased percentage of employees reporting they have experienced workplace discriminationThe APS is more culturally capable and is a culturally safe workplace for First Nations employeesReduced reports of skill and capability deficits in agencies
The APS workforce reflects the diversity of the Australian community
Legend: Nature of performance indicator
External measure with public reporting of metrics
Italicised indicates sub metrics require development

Outcome 1

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
Public sector employees act with and champion integrity
The APS has strengthened a pro-integrity cultureIncreased score to “My agency encourages people to act with integrity"APS Employee CensusNew Census question, baseline will be established in 2024
Increased score to "I am supported to provide expert, frank and fearless advice”
Decrease in unacceptable behaviours in the APSNumber of Code of Conduct investigationsAPS Agency Survey1,122
Number of Code of Conduct breaches996
Decreased score of “During the last 12 months, have you been subjected to harassment or bullying in your current workplace?”APS Employee Census10%

Outcome 2

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
Public service employees are stewards of the public service
Stewardship is defined and promoted and easily accessible for all APS employeesDefinition of stewardshipLegislative changes & APSCBaseline unavailable for 2023
The APSC actively promotes Stewardship to the whole of the APS through communications and engagement activityAPSC reportingBaseline unavailable for 2023
APS work practices embody and underpin stewardshipIncreased score to "My workgroup embodies the APS value of stewardship"APS Employee CensusNew survey question, baseline will be established in 2024

Outcome 3

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
The APS delivers human and user centred policy and service excellence
Increase in quality of partnership, engagement and relationship managementIncrease in satisfaction with Australian government services from stakeholdersTrust and Transparency Survey72%
Increased score to “The people in my workgroup put end-users at the centre of our work”APS Employee CensusNew survey question, baseline will be established in 2024
Increase in satisfaction of relationship of external partnersSource to be developed with agencies with partnerships in place (case studies)Baseline unavailable for 2023
The Public Service has increased transparency in how public engagement informs decision-making for policy and servicesIncrease the number of engagement outcomes publishedAPS Agency SurveyBaseline unavailable for 2023
Increase of projects that undertake public engagement to ensure relevant end-users inform decisionsBaseline unavailable for 2023
Increase in coordination and collaboration across agenciesAPS Agency SurveyBaseline unavailable for 2023

Outcome 4

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
The APS has effective relationships and partnerships with First Nations peoples
Increased partnership with First Nations communities and organisationsImprovement of partnership stocktakes, including strengthening of existing partnerships (cl. 32 and 33 of National Agreement)Commonwealth Closing the Gap Annual Report38
Increase in proportion of public engagement projects designed and delivered in partnership with First Nations peopleSource be developed through Monitoring and Accountability FrameworkBaseline unavailable for 2023

Outcome 5

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
The APS’s employee value proposition is attractive
The APS’s employee value proposition attracts and retains the right talentDecrease in resignation rate of ongoing staff in APSThe Australian Public Service Employment Database (APSED)4.9%
Increase in retention rate within 3 years of employment in the APS81.4%
Improve or maintain ranking in Australia’s top graduate employerAustralian Financial Review Top 100 Graduate EmployersAustralian Government Graduate Program ranked 25th


Increase in employees deriving satisfaction from non-monetary conditions

Increased score in employees reporting satisfaction with current jobAPS Employee Census73%
Increased score in employees reporting satisfaction with non-monetary employment conditions74%
Decreased score in employees reporting wanting to leave their current position in pursuing work outside the APS11%
Increased score in employees reporting satisfaction with wellbeing policies and support64%

Outcome 6

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
The APS sets the standard for equity, inclusion and diversity
The APS has a continued decrease in the gender pay gapMaintained performance/trend in the report of the APS gender pay gapAPS Remuneration Survey5.2%


Decrease in the disproportionate representation of males and females across classifications, particularly at the APS 3 to APS 5 levels

APS3 - 62% (F) / 38% (M)
APS4 - 68% / 32%
APS5 - 63% / 37%
A decreased percentage of employees reporting they have experienced workplace discriminationDecreased score in employees reporting they have experienced discrimination on the basis of background or personal characteristicsAPS Employee Census10%
Increased score in employees reporting they feel their supervisor ensures that everyone can be included in workplace activities83%
Increased score in employees who feel their agency supports and actively promotes an inclusive workplace culture80%
The APS workforce reflects the diversity of the Australian communityIncrease in proportion of First Nations employeesAPSED3.5%
Increase in proportion of First Nations people in SES roles1.8%
Increase in proportion of SES with first language not exclusively English11%
Increased proportion of employees with disabilities5.1%
Maintain proportion of women SES53.4%

Outcome 7

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
The APS sets the standard for First Nations employment and cultural competency
First Nations representation and inclusion is increased in the APSIncrease in proportion of First Nations people in SES rolesAPSED1.8%
Increase in proportion of First Nations people in EL1 and EL2 roles1.8%
Increase in First Nations employees as a percentage of the APS Workforce to 5%3.5%
Decrease in resignation rate of ongoing First Nations staff in the APS6.9%
Increase in retention rate of First Nations staff within the first 3 years of employment in the APS78%
The APS is more culturally capable and is a culturally safe workplace for First Nations employeesIncrease in number of completions of Cultural Awareness trainingAPS Academy1,282
Decrease in overall score of bullying and harassmentAPS Employee Census17%
Decrease in overall score of discrimination23%
Increase of First Nations staff who report they were consulted during internal / corporate policy processesAPS Agency SurveyBaseline unavailable in 2023
Increase in First Nations staff who report workplace practices and policies are culturally safe and appropriate

Outcome 8

OutcomePerformance MeasureMetricData Source/s2023 Baseline
The APS continuously improves its capabilities
The APS is effectively addressing current and emerging capability needsIncreased retention rate for ICT and Digital Solutions job familyAPSED93.8%
Increased retention rate for Data and Research job family94.1%
Increased retention rate for graduates91.3%
Increased retention rate for trainees84.9%
Increase in number of members of Procurement / Contract Management professionsSource be developed collaboratively with FinanceBaseline unavailable in 2023
Increase in number of members of Complex Project Management professionsSource be developed collaboratively with DefenceBaseline unavailable in 2023
Reduced reports of skill and capability deficits in agenciesDecrease in employees reporting there are skills or capability gaps in their immediate workgroupAPS Employee Census46%
Increase in employees reporting their work group has appropriate skills, capabilities and knowledge to perform well78%