Baseline summary

These results reflect 5,103 respondents' trust, satisfaction and experience with Australian public services.


83% of people had at least one reason to access Australian public services in the last 12 months.


Around 1 in 2 people access services to receive financial assistance.


myGov, phone and in-person are the three most common channels used to access services.


Young people (18-24 years) report greater effort navigating multiple services.


19% provided feedback to services. Just one third of people were satisfied with how their complaint or suggestion for change was handled.


Almost 1 in 3 access two or more services for the same reason (e.g. having a baby).


31% of respondents trust Australian public services. 10% distrust.


36% would like greater choice in the channels they use to access services.


Trust in regional areas is lower (27%) than in major cities (32%).

The Future

More than 1 in 3 people think Australian public services need to change to meet the needs of all Australians.


Common reasons include submitting a tax return, looking for work and travelling overseas. Services provided by Centrelink, Medicare and the ATO are most commonly used.


52% were satisfied with services accessed. How they were treated by staff was rated highest, being kept aware of progress and service wait times was lowest rated. 


Less than a third (29%) of multi-service users understand how services work together and slightly over a third (34) know what services to access and when to access them.


Low income earners have lower expectations, less satisfaction and higher distrust of services.


25% trust Australian public services to successfully implement changes required to meet the needs of all Australians.